Plan for tomorrow





  Do you remember


Plan for tomorrow


 Music & Lyrics by John Torp
Copyright © 2007 John Torp

Plan for tomorrow but just live for today
and don't miss a second to do what you like
for right here and now will very soon fade away
so just cease the moment be ready to strike
for what comes tomorrow we can only guess
and all that we planned we had planned all in vain
and time goes so fast and it is just merciless
so do all your planning but don't miss the train

Although your plannning will not always come through
it may be that there's something better in sight
for life keeps on going and there's hope still for you
so don't hang your head down it will be all right
so live for today and enjoy what you can
the life you are living is just here and now
so just do your best and do remember the plan
it's fun to make plans should they fail anyhow