Our House in the Country

 Music & Lyrics by John Torp
Coypright © 2003 John Torp





Our house in the country is all I have left
death stole you from me in that awful theft
a house full of mem'ries of all lovely years
a house of remembrance a house full of tears
no words in the world describes what I feel
and my love for you is ever so real
I know that I won't be the same again
I feel in my heart a languishing pain

you're now among angels in heaven some where
I hope that someday I will meet you there
the old house is now my waiting room
I'll wait for the call and I'll be with you soon
then I'll make the journey to be with you
and we'll be together in heaven us two
I'll try not to fret and not to despair
all though the old house is ever so bare

you would want me happy and not mourn at all
I'll try to do that and wait for the call
so untill we meet there in heaven someday
I'll live my life happy in my own way