When People
meet they say SO HOW ARE YOU
and you say FINE it's the right thing to do
if you should tell them that you are in pain
I'm sure they never will ask you again
no one has time in this turbulent life
listening to somebodies troubles and strife
and everybody's enough in their own
troubles at work also troubles at home
but it is nice that they sound like they care
even if feelings are not always there
better to hear them say how SO HOW ARE YOU
than to say nothing that just would'n do
so we keep on being oh so polite
it doesn't hurt and it also sounds right
so when they meet you and say SO HOW ARE YOU
you just say FINE it's the right thing to do
When People meet and say SO HOW ARE YOU
you just say FINE and say HOW ABOUT YOU
little white lies doesn't hurt anyone
say you are fine and you never go wrong
we must look happy although we are sad
and we must also pretend we are glad
who cares to listen to troubles all day
better to smile and to be on your way
real friends are there for your troubles to share
not for acquaitances that doesn't care
so to keep everything carefree and bright
just say hello and you are doing all right
just hide the bad things its better that way
and try your best for to have a good day
so when they meet you and say SO HOW ARE YOU
you just say FINE it's the right thing to do
